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On a quest for contentment? Whether you're struggling through a difficult time or just feeling bored and unfulfilled in your day-to-day life, many people are searching for ways to reach a happier state of being. But, interestingly, this phenomenon isn't equal across the board — and researchers have taken note.
By examining criteria like freedom, life expectancy, income, and individual self-assessments of satisfaction, The World Happiness Report ranks entire countries by their citizens' well-being. This data is then used to declare some nations as the happiest, and others as the unhappiest. When seeking the keys to contentment, this not only provides context for our own situation but also reveals which countries we should be holding up as examples — for instance, Finland.
The 2023 World Happiness Report crowned Finland as the happiest nation on the planet. And this isn't the first time they've taken home the prize. In fact, this win marked their sixth consecutive year as happiness champions. But what if you're not a resident of this idyllic Nordic country? Short of dropping everything and moving to Finland, is there any way for you to foster more pleasure and contentment in your own life?
Of course, there is. After all, the Finns' happiness isn't just about location — it's about state of mind. So if you want to live in good spirits, there are lessons to be learned from their way of life. To get started, here are some easy tips you can borrow from Finland to cultivate deeper happiness every day.